Always being a great fan of handmade items and craft work had finally made us realize the true happiness and excitement found in these 'one of a kind' items found everywhere around us. 
We here in CubesCraft always believe that behind every single craft work, may it be a teddy bear, a doll, or even a drawing with some items stick onto it, we believe that there will always be a story behind each and everyone of it. In having this thought in our mind, it made us think that we do want to be in some kind of story some day, this is how CubesCraft is formed. 
In every single cubes of the thousand lines graft paper where arts and handmade craft started,we want to be able to help in providing you with everything you need to build your never-ending story line!!! 
We here in CubesCraft will try our best to bring to you everything you need for your craft work at very tempting prices, as we believe that age and purchasing power should never be a factor to stop anyone from doing what they love. Let us set you on the right path. It is our greatest pleasure to be able to aid you in,
~Telling your own STORY~